Above: Clarence Mabry (center) with men's tennis team
Trinity Tennis has a long tradition of being the “Home of Champions.” From National Junior Champions, to NCAA Champions, to Wimbledon Champions, our tennis teams have created a winning legacy.
The Mabry Pavilion was originally constructed in 2009, as a memorial for the man considered to be the father of Trinity Tennis, Clarence Mabry. It has served well as a tournament headquarters, team meeting area, and historical gallery featuring a pictorial history of every Trinity All-American and national champion. The building has been a key element of the team over the years, but is now in need of a makeover.
We need your help making the Mabry Pavilion a place to honor our past, welcome back our alumni, impress our prospective student-athletes, and provide a comfortable gathering place for our current teams. To accomplish this, we will need to install new furniture, to update the gallery with state- of-the-art digital media, and to make the team room more functional.
Phase 1: Raise $5,000 for new furniture for 1st Floor
Phase 2: Raise funds for digital history and honor past teams and past champions
Phase 3: Raise funds for furniture for team room and update kitchen storage
We are committed players, coaches, and alumni. Our commitment to the University, the alumni, and our teams runs deep. We bleed maroon.
Cheyenne Duncan (Middle) is a Junior from San Angelo, TX she has been on two TU teams to make the second round of NCAA regionals. She is an academic All-American and two-time team captain. She is studying business and sports marketing.
Chas Mayer (Left) is a senior captain from Wilmette, Illinois. He is double majoring with a Bachelor of Art in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Chinese Studies. He has been a pivotal member of our program since he arrived and helped us win our first ever ITA National Indoor Championship. His teams have reached at least the round of 16 of the NCAA tournament every year he’s been a member.
We could not do this without the help and support of our network of Trinity Tennis supporters! Thank you for taking the time to spread the word about our project via email or social media. Post to your social media using the buttons on this page under the video.
Men's Team:
Women's Team:
Additional Information:
Gretchen Rush
Thanks for your support to the Trinity Tennis Programs.
We appreciate your investment towards Mabry Pavilion. Together we can help honor past champions and welcome perspective tennis players.
A handwritten note from our team
Shoutout recognition on TU Tennis social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and items above
An autographed photo of our current men’s and women’s team and items above
Phone call from a coach and items above
TU Tennis cap and items above
Team Practice T-shirt and items above
Exclusive invitation to meet and greet with teams after Phase I of project is complete