The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (the McNair Scholars Program) prepares well-qualified undergraduate students for success in doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. Working closely with their academic advisors, the Director, Associate Director, Program Specialist, McNair Tutorial Faculty, and faculty research mentors, McNair Scholars receive comprehensive, ongoing academic career support.
Dr. Ronald Ervin McNair (1950-1986) received a B.S. in Physics from North Carolina A & T University in 1971 and a Ph.D. in Molecular Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976. He was only the second African American in space and died aboard the Challenger during his second Space Shuttle mission. The U.S. Congress paid tribute to Dr. McNair’s accomplishments and legacy by naming the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program in his honor.
Trinity University students representing all undergraduate majors are invited to apply for the Program if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
A U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
Interest in pursuing graduate study
A low-income student who is also a first-generation college student (neither of your parents/guardians has earned a bachelor’s degree) AND/OR
A member of a group that is underrepresented in graduate education, which includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino/Latina, or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Beginning their sophomore year, selected Scholars are provided with an array of academic and career counseling services and cultural enrichment experiences, including:
Paid Summer Research Experience (SRE)
Expenses-paid travel to research conferences throughout the U.S.
Expenses-paid travel to graduate research institutions
GRE test preparation
Graduate school application assistance
Waived or reduced graduate school application fees
Local visits to significant educational, research, and cultural institutions
The centerpiece of the McNair Scholars Program is a one-on-one research mentorship with a professor at Trinity University or another research institution. During the summers following their sophomore and junior years, McNair Scholars work closely with a faculty mentor and are able to continue their faculty-sponsored work during the academic year.
Here are just a few of the highlights of the McNair Program:
Since 2007, the McNair Program has served 118 first-generation, low-income, and/or underrepresented students
36 Scholars are currently enrolled in a bachelor's program
65 Scholars have earned a bachelor's degree
3 Scholars are currently enrolled in a professional graduate program
2 Scholars have earned a professional degree
11 Scholars are currently enrolled in a master's program
16 Scholars have earned a master's degree
12 Scholars are currently enrolled in a doctoral program
Funds one research poster for presentation, or a Scholar's one-month pass for VIA transportation to conduct research.
Funds one graduate student mentor stipend for serving as a guest speaker, providing tutoring services, or otherwise advising current scholars.
Funds the remaining half of the GRE testing fee not covered by the fee reduction voucher.
Funds one Scholar's research expendables budget for the SRE, or one Scholar's books for an entire semester.
Funds one faculty mentor stipend for supervising summer research.
Funds registration, lodging, travel, food, and other fees for one research conference; funds a scholarship for a deserving Scholar.
Funds Scholar travel abroad to present at a research conference or visit a graduate school.