Hi, everyone!
Thank you to everyone who has supported us in this amazing initiative. We could not do it without you! At our recent banquet, we asked our scholars what the McNair program meant to them. Enjoy this short video with some of our wonderful students!
If you have not made a gift yet, there's still time! Today is the last day to make your gift to the McNair Program through our crowdfunding platform. Our portal will be open until midnight.
Thanks again for all your support!
Hi, everyone!
Thanks so much for your support of our McNair Scholars program!
We wanted to share with you a message from a McNair alumnae, Cristina Lara '08. She shares with us the impact that the McNair program has had on her career years after graduation. Check out the video below!
If you have not yet donated, there's still plenty of time to make a difference in a student's life.
Thank you again for your generous support!
Funds one research poster for presentation, or a Scholar's one-month pass for VIA transportation to conduct research.
Funds one graduate student mentor stipend for serving as a guest speaker, providing tutoring services, or otherwise advising current scholars.
Funds the remaining half of the GRE testing fee not covered by the fee reduction voucher.
Funds one Scholar's research expendables budget for the SRE, or one Scholar's books for an entire semester.
Funds one faculty mentor stipend for supervising summer research.
Funds registration, lodging, travel, food, and other fees for one research conference; funds a scholarship for a deserving Scholar.
Funds Scholar travel abroad to present at a research conference or visit a graduate school.